We encourage our suppliers, staff and customers to consider the environment when managing waste on and off site.

We use our regular tool box meetings to promote health and safety, raise awareness of environmental issues and consult with our employees on how they can reduce their impact on the environment through the recycling of construction waste including cardboard, plastics, polystyrene etc.

We are committed to ensuring that, wherever possible, we minimise our impact on the environment. We measure, set targets and comply with all relevant environmental legislation.

Over the years we have encouraged our customers to recycle from bringing our own recycling bins onto construction sites, to being one of the first companies to work with customers and waste management sites to safely remove, dispose and track CO2 emissions from refrigerated equipment.

Our Objectives

One of our key environmental objectives is to integrate environmental improvement initiatives throughout every aspect of our business, which includes:

  • Minimising waste by evaluating our operations and ensuring every activity is undertaken as efficiently as possible.
  • Actively promoting recycling both internally, and amongst our customers and to influence our suppliers’ environmental policies.
  • Sourcing and promoting products that have minimal environmental impact of both production and distribution.
  • Meeting or exceeding all the environmental legislation that relates to our industry.
  • Encourage paperless operations by employing technical solutions wherever possible. Two examples include electronic invoicing or by using electronic time cards on mobile devices.
  • Being committed to measuring and documenting our fleets’ carbon emissions, with the view to minimise them over time.
  • Where all other things are equal, to choose partners and contractors who can demonstrate sound environmental policies.

Our Success

Our Tracking system has been recognised by the Environmental Protection Authority as an excellent asset, created by Fantail Services Ltd, in the management and tracking of reclaimed refrigerant.

The tracking system we developed assists companies & local government agencies to identify:

  • Site location
  • Manufacturer & equipment type
  • Model & serial numbers (if applicable)
  • Refrigerant type
  • Amount reclaimed
  • Reclaim machine type
  • Staff carrying out the process
  • Where refrigerant is disposed
  • Date of disposal